Frequently Asked Questions

Hopefully this page helps to answer some of the more common questions.

If you have any other questions/suggestions for this page, please send them to webmaster@highlandscameraclub.ca



  1. How do I enter a club competition?
    Members Only > Competition Entry Forms
  2. How do I prepare and size my images for entry to a club competition?
    Specific instructions on how to size your images can be found under Competitions > Competition Rules, Procedures & Guidelines
  3. What is the difference between the Assigned and Pictorial Categories?
    highlandscameraclub.ca -> Competitions > About Competitions
  4. Where can I see the results of a competition?
    For the winning images, look on the Welcome page or Galleries > Competition Winners.
    To see all images from the current year, you need to be logged in. Then go to  Members Only –> Competition Results.
  5. Are there any general rules about image content in competitions?
    As a club, we have decided that we will not have nudes in any competition or presentation.
  6. What other competitions can I enter?
    highlandscameraclub.ca -> External Resource Links


Other Club Activities

  1. When and where is the next Meeting? Activities Calendar
  2. When and where is the next Outing? Activities Calendar
  3. When and where is the next Workshop? Activities Calendar



  1. How do I find information about the club Constitution and By-Laws? You need to be logged in. Then go to Members Only –> Constitution, By-Laws & Code of Conduct



  1.  When I log in, I still can’t see the “Members Only” menu and other private areas.  –  Try reloading the page. Your browser may not be refreshing it automatically.
  2. Some images do not display.   — If you are running an ad blocker, try disabling it, at least for www.highlandscameraclub.ca



  1. How do I find out about other Camera Clubs in the area? News and Resources –> Resource Links
  2. Non-HHCC photographic activities? News and Resources – > Resource Links
  3. Other Photography-related websites? News and Resources –> Resource Links